Emily Ou0027Brien

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Name Emily Ou0027Brien
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Emily O’Brien was born on May 28, 1985 in Bedfordshire, England. She is a three-time Daytime Emmy-nominated actress and writer, known for portraying the voice of The Woman in David Fincher’s: Love Death and Robots in The Witness, her five-year series regular role on The Young and the Restless (1973), Pernicious (2014) the voice of Gamora in Telltale’s Guardians of he Galaxy, and voicing Amelie in Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding. She attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, England and wrote, produced and directed her first project, Beatrice (2011), in 2011 which won Best Film at BIFF. Her mother is Persian and Emily speaks Farsi fluently.


  • Born: May 28, 1985
  • Born Place: Bedfordshire, England, UK
  • Height: 5' 6" (1.68 m)
  • Emily Ou0027Brien Keywords
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