Bob Sapp

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Robert Malcolm “Bob” Sapp born September 22, 1973] is an American professional wrestler, actor, comedian and former American football player best known for his career as a kick boxer and mixed martial artist. He is under contract with Rizin Fighting Federation. Sapp has a combined fight record of 22-35-1, mostly fighting in Japan. He is well known in Japan, where he has appeared in numerous commercials, television programs, and various other media, and has released a music CD, It’s Sapp Time. He also appeared in an episode of the HBO program Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. He is working sporadically for various MMA promotions in the U.S., Japan, and Europe.


  • Birthname: Robert Malcolm Sapp
  • Born: September 22, 1973
  • Born Place: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
  • Height: 6' 5" (1.96 m)
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