Tom Papa

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Tom Papa starred opposite Matt Damon in the Steven Soderbergh film, The Informant! (2009), and stars opposite Paul Giamatti in the animated feature, The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009), as the voice of “El Super Beasto”. He additionally had a voiceover role in the DreamWorks animated feature, Bee Movie (2007), and also was a writer on the project. Among his other big screen credits are the films, Analyze That (2002), opposite Robert De Niro, and Comedian (2002).

On television, Tom was personally chosen by Jerry Seinfeld to serve as the host of NBC’s The Marriage Ref (2010), had a recurring role opposite Julia Louis-Dreyfus on the CBS series, The New Adventures of Old Christine (2006), and his own show, Come to Papa (2004).

As a veteran stand-up comedian, Papa has recorded two stand-up specials on Comedy Central and Rob Zombie directed his next special, “Tom Papa: Live in New York City (2011) (TV)_. A familiar face to late night television, Papa has made numerous appearances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1992), Late Night with Conan O’Brien (1993) and Late Show with David Letterman (1993).

Papa opened his one-man show, “Only Human”, to rave reviews at the prestigious “Just for Laughs Festival” in Montreal.

Papa splits his time between Los Angeles and New York, with his wife and family.

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