Paz de la Huerta

Paz de la Huerta phone number

Name Paz de la Huerta
Phone Paz de la Huerta Phone Number
Email ID Paz de la Huerta Email ID
Address Paz de la HuertaHome Address
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Paz de la Huerta was born and raised in New York City, to a Spanish-born father and a Minneapolis, Minnesota-born mother. She has been acting since the age of four, having trained at the SoHo Children’s Acting Studio. Aside from acting, Paz is a skilled artist, designer, and writer who enjoys listening to punk rock music. She resides in Tribeca, New York, with her mother and sister.


  • Born: September 3, 1984
  • Born Place: New York City, New York, USA
  • Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
  • Paz de la Huerta Keywords
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