Lindsay Mushett

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Lindsay Mushett was raised on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia where she was as an all-state soccer player and received governor’s honors recognition for her achievement in theater. After high school, Lindsay moved to New York City to attend Columbia University’s Barnard College. In addition to earning a BA in sociology, she served as captain and was a scholar athlete on Columbia’s Division I soccer team. Lindsay attended the New York American Academy of Dramatic Arts conservatory, where she was invited to act in the Academy Company. She has continued to advance her acting training with Olympia Dukakis, Frank Langella, Larry Moss, and The Upright Citizens Brigade. Lindsay is an actress, known for her work on Blue Bloods (2010) , Future World (2018) , and New York Masali (2017).


  • Birthname: Lindsay Catherine Mushett
  • Born: October 30, 1989
  • Height: 5' 2" (1.57 m)
  • Lindsay Mushett Keywords
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