Enver Gjokaj

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Enver Leif Gjokaj is an American film and television actor. He is known for his roles as Victor in Joss Whedon’s science fiction television series Dollhouse and as Agent Daniel Sousa on Agent Carter (2015). Gjokaj was born in Orange County, California. His father is Albanian, and his mother is American. Gjokaj has an older brother named Bekim and an identical twin brother named Demir. Both Gjokaj and his brother attended Amador High School, in Sutter Creek, California, where Gjokaj participated in multiple plays and variety shows. Gjokaj graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from New York University’s Graduate Acting Program at the Tisch School of the Arts. While at NYU, he was a semi-finalist for Tisch’s Vilar Global Fellows Program, a Rhodes Scholar-style program in the Arts. In 2002, he received a Bachelor of Arts in English from UC Berkeley.


  • Birthname: Enver Leif Gjokaj
  • Born: February 12, 1980
  • Born Place: Orange County, California, USA
  • Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
  • Enver Gjokaj Keywords
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