Karen Abercrombie

Karen Abercrombie phone number

Name Karen Abercrombie
Phone Karen Abercrombie Phone Number
Email ID Karen Abercrombie Email ID
Address Karen AbercrombieHome Address
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Actress, singer-songwriter, Karen Abercrombie, was born and raised in Aliquippa Pennsylvania. She has a long list of stage, TV and film credits to her name and recently added producer to her list of credits. Karen co-wrote and produced her first feature film, Discarded Things, through her new film production company, Earth Mother Entertainment. She has a TV show, a new stage project and three other film projects on deck. Karen received rave reviews for her portrayal of the eighty year old, prayer warrior, Miss Clara, in the faith based film, War Room. She received a Dove Award and a Movieguide, Grace Award for her performance in this film.

Karen Abercrombie Keywords
Karen Abercrombie Contact Details, Karen Abercrombie Facebook, Karen Abercrombie Instagram, Karen Abercrombie Phone Number, Karen Abercrombie Cell Phone, Karen Abercrombie Address, Karen Abercrombie Whatsapp Number, Karen Abercrombie Whatsapp Group, Karen Abercrombie Email, Karen Abercrombie Phone Number 2020, Karen Abercrombie Twitter Account