Jessica Knappett

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Name Jessica Knappett
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Actress/writer born Bingley, West Yorkshire, 1984 – Jessica attended Woodhouse Grove school in Bradford and read English and drama at Manchester university, after which she had several casual promotional jobs, dressing as mobile phones or giant fruit to hand out fliers, an experience that she would put into her sitcom ‘Drifters’. In 2005 Jessica co-formed Lady Garden, a female comedy group, who performed to some acclaim at the Brighton and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals. In 2011 she played the girlfriend of one of ‘The In-betweeners’, the big screen comedy about a bunch of sixth form misfits, as a result of which she was approached to pen her own comedy show, which became ‘Drifters’, first airing in 2013 with a second series the following year.

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