Havan Flores

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Name Havan Flores
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Havan Flores, with her young joyous heart, is an actress, best known for her roles in Harmonica Man (2019), Henry Danger (2019), and Danger Force (2020).

Born as an “Okie” in the south-eastern state of Oklahoma. She was raised in a military family household and had the opportunity to travel and live overseas. Starting at a young age, she loved to sing and dance. Her mother decided to send her off to acting and singing classes that landed her in a lead role in a community theatre. In addition, her natural beauty, turned to modeling and commercial work in which she modeled for Gap Kids with Sarah Jessica Parker’s debut of her Fall Fashion Collection of 2018. In turn, it led her to her television series acting debut with Nickelodeon and one of the lead roles and film debut in the new TV show Danger Force (2020).

In her spare time, Hava loves to spend time with her older sister and best friend. Her hobbies include spending time with her family and everything that makes her smile!

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