Carlo Rota

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Name Carlo Rota
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Where are you from? Is a popular question that Carlo has no rapid answer for. Born in the U.K and raised in Italy, Hong Kong, the Bahamas and Canada. Add a family history that spans Spain, France, Italy and time spent in Argentina, India, Morrocco and you have pan- cultural on a good day, culturally confused on a not so good day and on a middling day Carlo is from Eagle Rock CA! His father, an internationally renowned and errant (thus the traveling) chef, instilled in him a passion for fine cuisine. This led to Carlo co-creating, hosting and directing a popular documentary-styled show about food entitled the The Great Canadian Food Show. On screen, Carlo plays a lot of very bad men.


  • Born: April 17, 1961
  • Born Place: London, England, UK
  • Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
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