Breanne Parhiala

Breanne Parhiala phone number

Name Breanne Parhiala
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Breanne grew up in New Hampshire. She has a younger brother TJ, and her parents are Thomas and Joyce. Her father is of Finnish decent and her mother has French ancestry. Breanne graduated with honors, and her academic and athletic achievements allowed her to attend Boston University where she studied psychology and ran division 1 track. However, she decided to leave after her first year to pursue her earliest passion instead, which was acting. Meticulous and serious about the craft, Breanne sought out the best theatrical training she could find and has since begun her work in studio film and network television.

  • Birthname: Breanne Parhiala
  • Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
  • Breanne Parhiala Keywords
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